Hi, I'm
web developer

about me

Full-stack developer admired by programming logic and worried about the user experience.
Currently working in the JavaScript and TypeScript ecosystem using technologies like ReactJS in Front-end aplicattions and NodeJS in the Back-end.

I got familiar with programming in college. In that moment, I realized that was the area I'd like to work in the future.
At the moment, I'm looking for my first job opportunity to acquire profissional experience, working with real projects in order to improve my abilities as a programmer.










If you want, you can check all of my repositories on GitHub clicking here.

Dogs - Social media for dogs

Dogs is a social network for dogs where you can post photos of your pet.
The website was developed with ReactJS and Redux, for the api was used PHP in WordPress.

Widget para feebacks

Widget created to the users report some bugs or give feedbacks about the website.
Front-end developed with ReactJS, TypeScript and Tailwind and the Back-end developed with NodeJS, TypeScript, Prisma and Jest for automated tests.

Hortifruti e-commerce

This project was a challenge where the home page should contain fruits coming from an API and the user should be able to put them in the cart and on the cart's page should be able to edit the item's number, remove them or delete them all.

contact me

If you have any question, i'll be happy to answer.
You can also contact me by any social media.

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